Readership Award

The lovely Sammy over at Bemuzin nominated me for a fantastic award: the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Woop Woop!

This is basically a readership award (clue’s in the name) and I was really touched that Sammy nominated me. One of the things I love best about blogging is that sense of community between bloggers, so to know that my contribution makes a difference to others is absolutely wonderful.

I like to think of writing as reaching into the void to try and connect with people – whether that’s blogging, or writing stories or poems, or haikus…. We’re all writing for a (real or imaginary) audience, and we’re all trying to trigger some sort of response, whatever that may be. And so I guess commenting for me is like reaching back across the void and creating that connection, meeting the writer halfway to give them the reaction they were hoping for.

Some of the most fun I’ve had with blogging has been in the comment sections, (not least with Sammy!) going back and forth and chatting to bloggers about their post, or whatever else. It’s made me feel like I’m a part of something, and I think that if it wasn’t for those connections I probably wouldn’t still be blogging. Sending blog posts out in the ether without anybody reading them is pretty soul sucking (I think anyway), I mean, I can write without an audience on Scrivener all the live long day, it’s the active readership that makes blogging so special.

And so I’ve been lucky to have met some truly wonderful people through blogging, people who have left wonderful comments on my blog and who I’ve really enjoyed getting to know. Here are a few of them below that I’d like to  nominate for the award:

The first is Sammy. Ok so I’m sure it says in the Blogging Rules that you can’t renominate the person who nominated you – but what the hell. Sammy’s comments are always thoughtful and funny and guaranteed to brighten up your day. She also puts real thought into how to support bloggers, and how to support indie writers which is just amazing. Plus she likes the Princess Bride which makes her an awesome person by default.

Carrie over at The Write Transition. Carrie has eight arms and four heads. I know this for a fact because every time I go to comment on a blog, she has already been and gone, leaving behind a funny and insightful note. Oh and she’s a writer (you can check out her book here). And a mother. So the only way I can imagine such superhuman ability to be everywhere at once, and do it all brilliantly, is with eight arms and four heads. I imagine she has a specially made computer with four screens and four keyboards too. Oh and I forgot to mention that she also features indie books on her blog. You see what I mean? Definitely must be at least four heads. Maybe more.

L.Marie over at El Space is incredibly active both in supporting bloggers and indie writers. Bloggers like L Marie make all the difference, both to the blogosphere but also to the indie writer community. Not only that but she write these brilliant posts about story telling, pulling inspiration from a raft of difference places and seeing connections that I never would have caught.

Jetgirl over at Forty c’est Fantastique is another reader who always makes lovely comments and who I’ve had a great time chatting to. Also we can chat in Frenglish which is awesome.

Sue Archer over at Doorway Between Worlds. A lovely reader, always ready with a thoughtful comment. She has also introduced me to the idea of charting how far I hike to determine how close I am getting to Mount Doom (anyone not getting the reference should refer to the epic that is Lord of the Rings, either in book or film format). Or at least, Sue does this and I intend to copy her.

DragonSpark over at I’m a Book Worm. We’re rather recent blogging acquaintances, having met during the Speakeasy, but I’ve really enjoyed our little chats in the comment sections and I’m looking forward to more!

There are rules to this award and I shall direct you to Sammy’s blog post if you’re feeling in a rules kind of mood, because I blithely ignored them….

25 thoughts on “Readership Award

  1. All right! My ego loves to be flattered by these comments. You are a very inspiring blogger, and one that has provided my humble posts with insightful and entertaining comments. If anything, I should be the one thanking you, but clearly you’ve made it the other way around. I thank you for the nomination, and for being an awesome reader yourself!


  2. Congrats, Celine, on winning this award! And thank you for nominating me! That was very kind of you. 🙂 I’m glad to know my blog makes a difference as does yours. 😀


  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I appreciate that along with your kind words. 🙂 I probably do have four heads. That would explain why I always forget things. I don’t know which one I thought of something with…

    Like you, I enjoy the interaction in the comments section. It’s a dream way of interacting for an introvert. 🙂 But this week I haven’t been around too much. I have very limited Internet connection this week, but I was able to sign in for a few minutes today and found this. So thank you!!


    • Haha, actually I hadn’t thought of the logistics of four heads. Also if you did, you’d spend a fortune on shampoo! 😉

      And my pleasure, everyone loves to get comments and you clearly put a lot of time and effort into reading other people’s blogs so that definitely deserves to be acknowledged!


  4. Hi Celine, congrats on a well-deserved award! Thanks so much for nominating me. I agree that having conversations with readers is the best part of having a blog. I know I always look forward to your comments! I’ll be sure to pass the torch when I have a few minutes to pull something together. 🙂

    (Oh, and P.S… have now made it to Lothlorien, so making progress!)


    • Oh wow – that’s some serious mileage! Good on you!
      By the way, I found this website,
      about the walk to Mount Doom. Is that the length you’re using to track your walking? Cos I’m totally going to start keeping a spreadsheet tally of all my hiking. I figure it’s realistic too as all the hiking I do is uphills and downhills, like what Frodo and Sam did (minus all the orcs and ring of power issues).
      Have you figured out what you’re going to do when you get there?


      • Hi Celine, my husband pulled a tracking spreadsheet together based on this site’s PDF, which has more detailed distances for the smaller sections, so you can have better milestones:

        My husband is happy to share his spreadsheet – if you would like it, feel free to send a note through my contact page and I’ll email it to you. 🙂

        I’m still figuring out what to do when I get there. Probably not a good idea to reward myself with food! LOL. (Also, I must admit I am cheating a bit, because my husband and I are doing this cooperatively and adding our numbers together.) Best of luck with the journey!


  5. Congratulations in your award, Celine!! And I’m thrilled that you nominated me … You nut … How do I say that in French? I’m reading three books and just came home from library with five more. Read, reader, READ!!!!!


    • Haha you know, I think “you nut” is your equivalent expression to INCONCEIVABLE (although I think it does mean what you think it means 😉 )

      Good work on the reading front, a reading list should always be growing at a faster rate than you can get through it, I think. Nothing worse than reaching the end with no next book right there and waiting.

      Hmm – you nut in french. I’m not sure actually, not sure there’s a word that quite encapsulates it. Then again my french sucks these days (shocking since it’s my mother tongue). Maybe “petite folle”. (little crazy thing).


  6. Merci beaucoup, Celine! I really appreciate your thinking of me! I love this post, because as Sammy said, you have done an outstanding job of putting into words the importance of the interactions we all find here. I treasure your comments on my posts. You always have such nice things to say, not to mention your great suggestions for books! You are 100% correct when you say that it is the “active readership that makes blogging special.” It really is. Btw I am such a book nerd that I found, tout de suite, a copy of “La Première Gorgée de Bière”! I just received it yesterday, and so far I think it’s awesome. Such beautiful little word-pictures, of course more beautiful because they are in French! I get to learn some new words, and at the same time I can study how they are constructed, try to read them out loud, try to discover the secret of why these sentences evoke such images. Merci pour tes conseils!


    • Oh amazing!! So glad you have found yourself a copy – isn’t it a wonderful little book? And I love just how real the little word-pictures, as you call them, feel. “Le croissant du trottoir” is one that I have done myself on so many occasions – and it really is just like in the book, a lovely moment that just feels perfectly naughty.
      Joyeuse lecture! 🙂
      (and this is exactly the kind of awesome thing that I love about blogging: I’m in Hong Kong, you’re in Texas – unless you’re flying somewhere? and we’re discussing French book recommendations. Totally amazing 🙂 )


      • Yes, I love that too! (it’s Colorado, when I’m not flying, though 😉 ) Actually, I just love knowing a “French lady who lived in England and now lives in Hong Kong.” That is seriously cool, I bet you never get tired of saying that 🙂 Okay, I had to skip forward to “Le croissant du trottoir”…I hope that this is something an American girl can learn to do very quickly, as I will only have a (relatively) short time in France. It seems like a wonderful experience to have and then to take home to savor later as a memory! “…buée sur la vitre quand on s’approche…complicité de l’aube…” Delicious writing, there! It’s no wonder why I love the French language so much 🙂


  7. Hi Celine!
    Congratulations on the well-deserved award! 🙂
    I hope you are well?
    Yes, the blogging community is amazing! And now you’ve introduced some new bloggers (I’ve only met Sammy… ), which means there’s a whole new batch of awesome blogs to visit … thanks for the links! 🙂


    • Thank you Michelle!

      All is well here yes, and you?
      Definitely go and visit these other blogs, they’re all written by fun and lovely people 🙂 Always lovely to make new blogging acquaintances, isn’t it.


      • I popped over to Carrie @ The Write Transition. What a busy lady! 🙂
        Also visited L.Marie. She has a lovely place too!
        I love networking and meeting new people.


  8. Pingback: SoCS – What am I doing here? | Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  9. Pingback: Readership Award | Doorway Between Worlds

  10. Pingback: Time Waits for No One | El Space–The Blog of L. Marie

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